
I need to find me and in the process look after the me that I want to take into my future.
  • Reading other peoples journals has inspired me to try one for my own. Perhaps I can lose weight and find the inner me.
  • It is time to feed my soul not my body.
  • Wednesday, June 21, 2006


    Came home after a wonderful time in Brisbane with a cold but feeling very motivated. However eating became a bit poor as I felt incredibly hungry all the time. Did a small training run as training for the Run to the G but skipped other training as I didn't want any muscle soreness and I was busy at work. E came in to the run with me which I was very excited about. Then I heard my name called out and met Ails, Linda and Natt. I would have liked to catch up with them and chat but I was travelling with people from my training group so was unable to do so. The run started and within 2km I knew something was wrong. Got terrible pain in my hip muscle just like I had got at the end of the Mothers Day run. The pain was excruciating and I was sooo disappointed especially as E was with me. I complained I think for the whole run. E tried to encourage me to keep going and I seriously thought of giving up. At one stage I stated that that was it no more fun runs. I was miserable. Half way I got a bit inspired by seeing Scott only 1 minute ahead so tried a bit harder. It was also inspiring to hear Ails calling out to me. E was amazed that I knew people at the run!! I struggled to the end and completed the course in 1 hr 18 minutes so not too bad but I had hated every moment and my times were definitely slower than in my training runs. There were a few times I was close to tears from the pain and I was so disappointed to have E see me at my worst when I had wanted her to be impressed with how good I now was. What annoyed me was that in Brisbane I had no pain when I did the 9km walk/run on Friday in 1 hr. Met up with the others and thankfully got a lift back to our city so didn't have to catch a train. When I got home E and I pigged out on McDs and then I went to bed with chocolate for comfort. Oh those old support mechanisms just linger on. When I got up to drive E to sleep over the pain was worse. Spent the night on the couch suffering and reached a point where I could not move my left leg unless I lifted it with my hands. Skipped training the next morning and tried to juggle stretching, massage and resting with work etc. My cold was also adding to my misery. On Tuesday morning it seemed a bit better and my training partner messaged me asking if we could do 4km insead of 2? I said Ok I would try. Went at 6am and struggled through a slow run for 2km then admitted defeat. My left leg started hurting a bit but now my right foot was killing me. I have been having a sore foot off and on for weeks. The day was painful with the left leg and the right foot! Walked around with a ridiculous limp. Again resorted to junk food for comfort.It is unbelieveable how I can be so in control sometimes and then eat sooo much when I lose that control. Went yesterday morning to training and had to give up half way through as the pain was too bad. I went to the physio to be diagnosed with hip flexor strain in my left side and plantar fascitis in my right foot. You can imagine how cranky I was. Especially on being told it may take weeks to heal. So spent the day home from work, binging and feeling miserable. I was being so good and really enjoying the exercise so now felt defeated and hopelessly frustrated by these injuries. I am not allowed to take anti-inflammatory medicines because of my ulcers so couldn't even resort to drugs to help. Anyway last night I tried to talk some sense into myself. I did a lot of exercises suggested by the physio and have planned a healthy day of eating today. Just have to get through the first few days without weakening to get myself back into the zone. I am sure I will suffer from chocolate withdrawals today so feel free to kick me where I need it. Self sabotage has always been my problem. I plan to stay away from the scales for at least the next 10 days so I don't further crumble when I see the figures on them. Trip to the orthodontist with E this morning then work. I plan to concentrate on doing a lot of stretching and planning for success rather than wallowing in defeat. I will also try to get to all your blogs to catch up. Hope everyone is well and being a lot more motivated than I have been.

    Posted by michelle :: 4:05 pm :: 18 comments

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    Thursday, June 15, 2006


    Had a wonderful time in Brisbane even though the weather was a bit Melbourneish at times. Apart from some work commitments with Dh most of the time was spent walking, and talking and relaxing with my friends which now come in all shapes and sizes. I was very spoilt by dinner at Lindas home with her family. I felt very privileged to have such a special person invite me to her home and had a great time. On the Sat we even squeezed in a 2 1/2 hr walk which actually felt like only about an hour due to the large amount of talking I expect! Rounded this off with a healthy lunch at the shopping outlets and then of course a bit of shopping.
    On the Sunday after a morning walk through a rainforest we went to Brisbane to stay with our old friend that used to work for us. One of the nicest things with this friend is that even though we now only see each other a few times a year we just pick up where we left off and can talk so easily. After 15 years working together we know each other very well which is very comforting. Some fine restaurant dining was arranged and I ordered grilled fish and salad. Not normal for me! Before my halo slips I must confess that this was motivated by the dessert menu which had a "Chocaholic dessert" I had to have. Imagine my horror after dutifuly eating my fish and going up to order the dessert to be told it was not available. Grilled fish for nothing!! On the drive back home somehow the driver was forced to stop and we bought violet crumbles to crush over our icecream.... For dinner we had to do penance and made a vegetable bake to try to compensate for our piggery.. On the way to the airport on my last day I went to visit Kellee and beautiful Toby. All I can say is that Kellee has a wonderful, loving and growing family and I wish I lived close enough to ofer my babysitting services. It was very considerate of Toby to arrive in time for me to see him in person. I have a photo but will wait till Kellee has time to put some up before I publish mine.
    So yes I am also fortunate to have spent time with my special friends. Thanks Kellee and Linda and their families for making me feel so welcome.

    Posted by michelle :: 6:15 pm :: 10 comments

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    Tuesday, June 06, 2006


    MON- 60 mins kickboxing, 40 mins tennis lesson, 60 mins step class.
    TUE- 2km run,60 mins weights programme
    WED- 60 mins running programme
    THU- 2km run, 60 mins step class
    FRI- 60 mins weight programme, 60 mins pump class, 2km run
    SAT- 60 mins boot camp
    SUN- 60 mins boot camp
    MON- 60 mins kickboxing
    TUE- 2km run
    WED- 60 mins running programme
    THU- (tomorrow) 2km run, 60 mins step class
    Then I fly north to Brisbane for 5 nights for work and for catching up with some friends, including Linda and hopefully Kellee and her baby.
    Have a great week and weekend everyone and I will be back in blogland next wed.

    Posted by michelle :: 9:13 pm :: 8 comments

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    Sunday, June 04, 2006


    I am really too tired still to post but I think the pictures say it all. We were very proud of our beautiful daughter. Everything went perfectly and we had a wonderful evening which we will never forget. Our baby girl has definitely grown into a beautiful young lady. When I was helping decorate the venue and the debs arrived the teacher commented to me how beautiful E looked. Being dimplomatic I replied all the girls look beautiful. Her answer "yes but E looks like a 16 year old girl should look." Made me smile inside. We danced all evening which was fun and then I acted as chauffeur for the various after parties. There were 2 professional photographers so we will be overwhelmed with photos I am sure. This was definitely a night for the memory book and one of those special moments when it is soooo wonderful being a mum.


    Posted by michelle :: 2:40 pm :: 16 comments

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    Thursday, June 01, 2006

    Be thankful for what I have...

    Had quite a mixture of events this week to remind me to stop being self indulgent and be grateful for the good things in life.
    In no particular order.
    -I was embarassed at what I blogged last time and wished I hadn't but received some wonderful support from my blogging friends. I do not feel worthy at times but thanks for reminding me I am not alone.
    -My sons Gf told me that when her friend met me she was amazed how young I was. This was on the night I went to see my sons band and was wearing jeans and a slimming jacket. Obviously aided by the low lighting levels!!
    -Somehow we have struggled through the stresses of VCE exams and my DD and I survived some arguing, and nagging from me to study. I have had to assist with the explanation of long forgotten facts from my teaching days and YEH!!!she is now doing her last exam. Hopefully I get my happy though very tired daughter back tonight. She has planned a shopping trip after work so obviously she is getting back to normal.
    -On the work front we decided to give our least qualified worker 2 months notice. We employed him initially for a weeks work 4 years ago. Lots of soul searching went into this decision over the past few months and we spent a lot of money on having him build stock product for which we have no sale. It is not something we wanted to do. Then 2 days ago his father died. Luckily we had not given him notice and definitely will delay and hope some more work suited to him comes in our door so we can keep him on.
    -Then our most qualified worker in a different department is being poached by a rival firm. Now we will be in trouble if we lose him. I have had long talks with him and he agrees we have looked after him really well for 14 years and trained him in his trade. However we also pay him extremely well but will not consider paying him more to keep him when considering letting someone else go...So time will tell. Very worrying.
    -In my training group there is a young woman who was upset because she cannot run much so on Tuesday at 6am we met and went for a 2km run. We repeated this on Thursday and she ran the entire distance. She said I inspire her...how nice is that? We are going to keep doing this to train for the run to the G.
    -A few weeks ago I bought a dress for the deb. It was a bit large and I thought I would take it in at the top. Then I rethought and asked myself why I was buying a dress that needed to be made smaller. I rang the store and they ordered me in another one in a size 12!! So that is what I will be wearing. I will take some pics and put them on here later. Who would have thought I could wear a sz 12 cocktail dress from a normal shop?
    -My thoughts go to Kellee who has a very contented foetus determined not to leave the safe cocoon she has provided for it. Hopefully this weekend is an eventful one for her and she has a safe delivery and we can see some pics of this determined little man! Lots of love an dbest wishes for you Kellee. It has to be one of the most exciting times for any woman.
    -Well thsi weekend we have the DEB and I am eagerly looking forward to seeing my daughter glammed up and looking like a beautiful young lady. We will be very proud parents and the night will be one for the memory book I am sure. I also have boot camp on both mornings, decorating of the venue for the deb and lots of chauffering to after parties and such so it will be busy and tiring but lots of fun.
    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Posted by michelle :: 8:49 pm :: 5 comments

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