
I need to find me and in the process look after the me that I want to take into my future.
  • Reading other peoples journals has inspired me to try one for my own. Perhaps I can lose weight and find the inner me.
  • It is time to feed my soul not my body.
  • Friday, March 31, 2006

    VIRGIN FAT!!!!

    Finally I can put my ticker back up and be proud that I am again losing Virgin Fat. This seems to have been a long time since I could feel good about losing weight I had not lost before. My holidays, xmas,parties etc kept me going up and down but I am finally proud to sy I have broken into new figures at an all time low. I am feeling very good about that.

    EXERCISE is still very intense with this week including the 100 steps, kickboxing, weight training X 2, cardio session, step class. Tomorrow we are going to do the 1000 steps again and of course ther is only 1 week to go to the Run for The kids. (and yes I am still very worried as I am not able to run very far)

    My eating has been impeccable with the only treat being fish and chips a week ago. Must say all I could taste was the fat and not the fish so won't be doing that again in a hurry.

    On Thursday (hence unable to attend the Melb bloggers meet)I took my MIL to see Rhonda Burchmore and unexpectedly really enjoyed it. Of course I think I was the youngest person there by about 30 years so that helped to feel good about myself. This week also included a check up at my DR. He refused to drop my medication so that was a bit disappointing but he did weigh me and was blown away and made some very complimentary commnets about how well I was doing. He also pointed out my heaviest weight which was 2 kg higher than when I started WW. That means I have lost around 30% of my body weight! That in itself was worth the visit. Unfortunately as it goes I am now sick. All those germs at the Drs!!!! Have a dreadful sore throat and fever and aching bones. Think I may have to give exrecise a miss today. Not sure if I can as it has become something I need everyday. I did go back to bed after WW and slept for a few hrs so hopefully that will help. WE have no plans for the weekend. First time in a long time. Plan to garden and clean the house and maybe watch some movies. Oh and spare a thought for poor Briony who is getting lots of exercise moving in to her lovely new home this weekend. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Posted by michelle :: 6:34 pm :: 15 comments

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    Tuesday, March 28, 2006


    Busy weekend which included a cardio session at the gym and the evening at the Commonwealth Games Athletics Finals. They were so inspirational. I went on Sunday morning to do the 1000 steps again. When we got to the first step my trainer said "shall we run?" I laughed at her and told her to run ahead. I ran some steps but not many. But I did get to the top in 20 minutes. All up I beat my time from car to car the previous week by 10 minutes so I was pleased with that. I still thought my lungs were going to burst and my legs collapse but the run down felt great. We have decided to do it again next Sunday and follow it with a walk... The fear of the Run For The Kids (14.7km) in 2 weeks is pushing me to train even harder. I really am terrified I won't complete it before the bus comes along to pick up the stragglers...

    Finally managed to find a deb dress for my daughter. The last 2 weeks have seen us trying to find one without much luck due to her small size, but we found a lovely designer on Sat and were able to hire a beautiful dress that fits E perfectly and the price was more reasonable. Ball is not till June but we were shocked to find that that was too soon for many of the places selling dresses. So that is one worry over with.

    Work is still way to busy and stressful but I have been handling it without resorting to comfort eating. The exercise is definitely helping with that. Had a lovely tennis match today and felt good to be alive and well and moving around in the fresh air. Of course it helps that a lot of our tennis is accompanied by laughter rather than sweat but still it was good.
    I have definitely turned into an exercise junkie and that is something I would never have believed possible 15 months ago. so YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS!!!!!!

    Posted by michelle :: 2:27 am :: 10 comments

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    Thursday, March 23, 2006


    Seems a long time since I posted as in reality this has been one heck of a week. We have been extremely busy at work preparing a big tender that had to be delivered today. Involved some late nights and long days. Fingres crossed for a successful outcome. Then of course I had to squeeze in two highlights of my week which involved meeting with blogging friends.

    Firstly I went to the airport to meet Kellee. She was flying home and we were able to have lunch together with her mum and cute little Charlie. For those who read Kellees blog do not believe her comments that she is a fattybumba. She is very tiny and looks like a skinny girl with a basketball up her dress. Very pregnant but glowing with happiness and good health. It was a plesaure to meet up with Kellee again and I am priveleged to call her my friend.
    Then the next night I went into the city to meet Linda who was in Melb overnight for work. We had tea together and a walk around the casino but basicaly sat and did a lot of talking. Linda now has a stunning figure and it is hard to believe she was ever large so that is very inspiring. What she does have though is a very caring personality and it was great to chat and share things with someone who understands this journey and its ups and downs.

    Both of these girls I consider my friends and that is the truly amazing part of this community. It would be difficult to explain the support given throughout this community to anyone who has not experienced it first hand but then to actually meet and re-meet new friends is a gift I never expected.

    Some other highlights this week;
    Last night I went to the Commonwealth Games, athletics in the city. It was truly inspiring especially watching the men racing with no arms. What obstacles and pain and barriers they have overcome to get to where they are in life. A lesson which I intend to remember.

    We are going in again tomorrow night and expect then to enjoy it even more as my family will be going with me.

    I was just interrupted by a call and visit from my elder DS. The bank had taken his loan payment out twice today!!! After an hour arguing with them because they cannot do anything till tomorrow he came to me and borrowed some money so he could go out tonight. My second DS paid me back money he owed me last night Then his car broke down today and had to be fixed unexpectedly as the radiator broke. Of course he didn't have enough money so mums purse was emptied. They will pay me back but my purse is empty tonight. At least I know they still need me....

    On the exercise front I have had a great week. I think something really kicked in last weekend with the run and the 1000 stairs. This week I have been to;
    Kickboxing class, cardio class, step class, fitball and weights class, weights session at the gym and ran and walked and been on exercise bike each day. Sunday I am going to do the 1000 steps again with my group trainer. My food has been perfect and I have eaten 20 points each day. In the past I always undereat which leads to me staying on a plateau and then falling of the wagon so I am pleased to be doing the right thing. Finally the scales are noticing and starting to go down. I am going to go to WW in the morning and know I will be close to my lowest weight in Dec. A great feeling.
    Hope you all have a great weekend and just want to leave you with this quote from my desk calender;
    If something seems far too big for you to cope with, maybe it's because you're meant to share the load with someone else.
    That is how I feel about my blogging friends, they help me to cope when I need to share the load. Thanks.

    Posted by michelle :: 9:46 pm :: 7 comments

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    Sunday, March 19, 2006

    what a weekend!!

    So much happened this weekend but time is very limited on computer so I will just do a little victory dance/boast. Yesterday I did my time trial. Time to complete was same as last time so not great not bad. After a busy night out and very little sleep I took myself off to the 1000 steps early this morning. Those who read Jadeys blog will be familiar with it. To start off there is a 1km walk up hill. I nearly gave up halfway up. Then the stairs. They are very steep and windy in places with walking bits in between. I kept thinking of the Biggest Loser stair challenge. If I had to I thought I will crawl up them. Still almost gave up near th etop. I asked someone and they told me I only had 2 steep sections of stairs to the top so inspired I kept going. When I got to the top I checked the time and it was only 30 mins since I left the car. Felt like an hour. The last 2 sections were definitely the worse so thankyou to the ladies who told me it was nearly the end or I might have given up. I stretched and then started down. Apart from the very steep sections when I held on to the rail in fear of falling I ran most of the way down and back to the car. I felt exhilirated. When I got to the car I checked the time again and I had been up and back from the car park in 50 minutes. Now I know some people do it in 15 and I passed some people going up and back twice, and I passed some men running UP the stairs but I did it!!!!!!!!!!I actually cheered myself out loud and did a little victory dance. (In the privacy of the car of course) SO I am following my post of yesterday and trying to enjoy the journey without constantly berating myself for not being fast or good enough... Today I was a champion! albeit probably a very sore one tomorrow.

    Posted by michelle :: 1:40 am :: 12 comments

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    Friday, March 17, 2006

    Do You Suffer from DIET RAGE?

    Found this article today and I really relate to what it says.
    I know I have become frustrated with dieting and need to follow some
    of these tips to overcome my own impatience

    Think about your dieting history. Does it give you the same feeling as an exasperating traffic jam?
    You never quite get where you want to go as fast as you want to get there. You get aggravated, yell (usually at yourself), and see people in other lanes going faster than you (how do they DO that?!), and it usually ends up ruining your day.

    Here’s the lesson: Getting frustrated with your diet does no more good
    than getting frustrated in traffic. It just makes you unhappy, unsuccessful and tense.

    Next time you start to feel frustrated with your weight loss progress, keep these "lessons of the road" in mind:

    1. Pay less attention to how much further you have to travel. Stop asking yourself "are we there yet?" You’ll get there when you get there. Instead, look at the scenery, think about life, carry on a conversation, sing along with the radio, or simply be thankful for how far you’ve come.

    2. The journey is always more fun with a passenger. Have you asked anyone along for the ride?

    3. You know the route you need to take to reach your weight loss goals. It’s already mapped out. As long as you stay pointed in the right direction, you’ll get there. Even in the worst traffic jams, you still get to your destination at some point. It’s the same way with dieting – just a matter of time. It may take longer than you first expected, but you will get there.

    4. There will always be periods of stopping and starting. It’s something that you should just anticipate and allow for. No use getting upset or stressed about not making progress. It’s a normal part of the journey.

    5. Sometimes, you’ve just gotta go with the flow of what’s going on around you. Life can present some situations that you really can’t do anything about. When that happens, staying straight and steady – doing the best that you can – will keep you on track and sane. In traffic, impatient people stop, change lanes, weave in and out of other cars, driving themselves and everyone else crazy – and in the end, usually don’t get any farther along than you do by staying put and going with the flow.

    6. Shortcuts never work.

    7. Driving too fast is dangerous. That’s why they call it "crash" dieting. Slow down, take what life gives you, and make sure you arrive at your destination in good health.

    Now if only I could shake my frustration, find some motivation and get back on the road to a safe journey....

    Posted by michelle :: 12:05 am :: 10 comments

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    Friday, March 10, 2006


    This has been a strange week with emotions going up and down it seems on a daily basis. I have exercised so much I surprised even myself. So that was good. On the eating front I have tracked everthing and stayed within points everyday. I even gave away the box of Lindt chocolates that has been sitting in my office for the past month! Went to WW and recorded a loss but had hoped for a bigger one after being so good. I was very cheesed off because the leader is away for a couple of weeks. You may recall last week I asked for help and promised to attend this weeks meeting. She said she would talk to me. Now she must have known she was going away. I would have preferred it if she had told me that. So I weighed in and came home before the meeting feeling very cranky.

    Had something difficult to deal with on Wed and got through it without resorting to food for support. As draining and worrying as it was I felt better afterwards. And I know I made someone happy so that was uplifting. Since weigh in I have continued to be exceptionally good but scales are not really co-operating. I think because this weight I am trying to lose is weight I lost before christmas I am not allowing myself to be pleased with small losses. I am on a mission to get to Virgin Fat as Felicity calls it and my body does not seem to want to make it easy for me. Of course that is what I deserve for being slack but........ I honestly think my body has got used to the fact that I exercise for a couple of hours a day so exercise doesn't contribute to me getting smaller. I am sure though that I am getting fitter and healthier and have to accept that and stop putting so much value on the scales reading! Easier said than done though.

    Anyway tomorrow I am off to the caravan with Ebony and my sister and her family for 2 days on the water. Always lost of fun and laughs so I am looking forward to that. A little bit mor edifficult with no set exercise sessions to attend and food everywhere but I will do my best and that is all I can do. Have a great weekend everyone.

    Posted by michelle :: 1:40 am :: 14 comments

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    Monday, March 06, 2006


    Bri and I have entered a WWA TEAM CHALLENGE Big Aussie Icons.
    Tonight we are No 1!!!! GO TEAM!!!
    Now Bri we have to work hard or walk hard to stay there. The challenge is on. All those people who are WWA members can check us out and cheer us on. We are called Superchicks.

    Posted by michelle :: 1:43 am :: 9 comments

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    Saturday, March 04, 2006


    Yesterday I went to our quarterly Boot CAmp. This time we did it at the local Botanical Gardens, which just happens to have hills and stairs...many, many stairs. I won't go into detail. It was torture carrying our rifles (poles) up and down these vertically challenging obstcales. But I stayed near the leaders of the pack, cannot keep up with 3 of them but I am ahead of the rest of the group. So I am impressed with myself. It was on again today but I had to miss it beacsue I had something better to do.

    Today I went into the city to compete in the Cancer fun/run walk. My sister met me there and we were at the starting line for the 8km walk. We were filmed so you never know we might be on TV tonight! We ran about 1/3 of it and completed the course in 64 minutes. I was very pleased with that as my target was to be under 70 mins. It was a beautiful sunny morning and the course was around the Botanical Gardens in Melb so very picturesque.8kms plus of course the walk to and from the station. Again we were only a few people behind the leaders. My sister has now agreed to do the 14.7km one with me in April. It is great to have her there as someone to talk to but also because she encourages me to run more than I would on my own. Now I need to eat and have a "nanna nap" I am sooooo tired.

    Posted by michelle :: 6:35 pm :: 9 comments

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    Thursday, March 02, 2006


    Last night I went to my first Body Attack class. BUT I piked after half an hour. I couldn't keep up and did not really like the instructor. She was young and slim but oh so serious.

    I was very tired as I had gone to running training at 6am, (and completed it) It included: 2 1km runs (well I walked some of it but ran most) running up and down a hill ten times, pushing and pulling a 120kg man up the same hill 10 times, doing repetitions at top and bottom of hill of star jumps and step ups. I almost kept up with the leaders in the group which was amazing. Best I have ever done. I also went for a long walk in the afternoon.

    Went to step class this morning, cannot get over how hard it is and yet it is also so much fun. Felt great after it. The instructor has a great sense of humour and I find that really makes a difference. AND I did 12 pushups on my toes. Last year I couldn't even do 1 on my toes.

    Busy day at work and lots to do at home. Tonight I sat down to do some blogging and finally found my way to Annes blog. (I had lost it after her host crashed their hard drive)I was catching up on her news and reading how she is attempting bike reading in consideration of doing a TRI. I stopped reading mid post and went out to the garage and found DD's old bike. Covered in cobwebs and all. I jumped on and RODE round the block. Now apart from my one attempt last year I have not ridden a bike in more years than I can remember. I rode around the block. Oh I said that already. Can you tell I am excited? This block is only 2 km and has 1 small hill and 1 long gentle incline. Did I say small and gentle? They felt like mountains. But I didn't stop and I am very pleased with myself. Thanks Anne for the motivation. Now this block I rode around is very boring and I never want to walk it so now I have something else I can do in the evenings when boredom hits. Better than raiding the pantry. I figure 2kms a couple of times a week will be good for me. Of course in the morning I may change my mind if my butt is too sore for training. The seat was very hard. But tonight I am just very very pleased with myself.

    Oh and M thanks for your idea of doing something good each day. I went out tonight and planted some prairie roses in my garden..just for my own pleasure.

    Posted by michelle :: 1:40 am :: 9 comments

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